Report Cards

FCCS will issue report cards for students in K-8th, quarterly. However, since no written report can reflect all the aspects of academic growth, teachers and parents need to communicate on a continuous basis to share information and concerns.


2 years ago


Faith Community Christian School (FCCS) challenges students to reach their intellectual, emotional, and spiritual potential through classic academics. 


We use the A Beka for a majority of core class curriculum. A Beka has proven to be a comprehensive quality program that gives students a strong academic foundation.

We teach d'nealian handwriting to grades K-2nd and cursive handwriting to grades 2nd-6th.

Teachers supplement curriculum as necessary in order to better educate each student as well as to ensure adherence to Alaska State Standards.


Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher conferences are held during the first and third quarters and progress reports are issued at this time. additional conferences maybe scheduled at other times outside of school hours by the parents or the teacher.

Standardized Testing

A national standardized achievement test, Standford Achievement version 10 (SAT 10), is administered yearly to grades three to eight.

This test is a complete battery and is designed to measure individual proficiency in reading, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation, use of references, science, social studies and mathematics.

Results are used to provide information for effective educational guidance and become a part of each student's cumulative record.